The Tidal Basin in Context: Funding the Public Sphere

Apr 21 2021, 5:30 pm

Conceived of and moderated by Donald Albrecht and Thomas Mellins, curators of the Tidal Basin Ideas Lab exhibition, this evening program is the second in a series of conversations about the changing nature of public space and the complexities of its preservation. This session will focus on issues of sustainability in light of climate change.


  • Christy MacLear, an expert in building businesses and start-ups with a particular focus on art, legacy, and place-making, as well as the founding director of the Philip Johnson Glass House

  • Catherine Townsend, President and CEO Trust for the National Mall, the leading philanthropic partner of the National Park Service dedicated to securing public and private resources to restore, preserve and enrich America’s Front Yard 

  • Host: Seri Worden, Senior Field Director, National Trust for Historic Preservation

This webinar is presented by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in partnership with the Trust for the National Mall. You can view the recording on Preservation Leadership Forum HERE.

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Civic Partner